God Of War Art Director Wraps Up Star Fox Tribute With Wolf O’Donnell Artwork
Last week, God of War art director Raf Grassetti kicked off a personal tribute to the Star Fox series – giving its characters a hyper-realistic makeover. You’ve probably seen his unique renditions of Fox McCloud, Slippy Toad Falco Lombardi, and Peppy Hare by now, but here comes one final challenger to round out the group!
Today, Grassetti shared his rendition of Wolf O’Donnell – the bitter rival and sometimes-ally to Fox McCloud’s team. While he might not be officially part of Star Fox, his dark ambitions and villainous acts have no doubt shaped Fox and company into the heroes we know them as today!
Check him out below (use the arrow buttons to see Wolf on his own):
What do you think of the whole group in this beautiful artstyle? Fell free to share your thoughts below!