Guide: How To Unlock Harv’s Plaza Shops And Features
The Version 2.0 update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons adds a new feature to Harv’s Island called Harv’s Plaza, which allows players to fund new permanent shops for various island vendors and other characters.
Below you will find a short guide explaining how Harv’s Plaza can be unlocked, as well as the various shops and services that can be unlocked through developing it:
Unlocking Harv’s Plaza
- For new players, Harv’s Plaza is unlocked by unlocking Harv’s Island. This can be done by speaking to Harv when he comes wandering around the island after the player has unlocked the first three housing plots for villagers.
- For players who already have Harv’s Island unlocked, he will send them a letter asking them to visit upon downloading the Version 2.0 update.
Developing Harv’s Plaza
- After it has been unlocked, Harv’s Plaza can be accessed by flying to Harv’s Island through Dodo Airways, and walking straight up past the Photo Studio.
- After a brief introduction from Harv and returning character Harriet, players can begin development on the plaza by donating to the various Lloid Gyroids scattered around the plaza.
- Each Lloid is collecting donations for a different vendor, each vendor will require 100,000 bells worth of donations in total.
- Similar to normal island development, it seems villagers can contribute a bit of money in donations, meaning the final price paid by players could be a bit lower.
- Once a vendor has been fully funded, their store will be opened after one in-game day. Only one vendor can be funded per day, meaning players will need up to 7 days to unlock all the shops.
Shop Features
- There are a total of 8 different shop owners that can be unlocked on Harv’s Island, each with their own specialty.
- The available shop owners include Saharah, Leif, Kicks, and Redd, all of whom were previously only accessible if they were randomly visiting the player’s island. Unlocking their shop in Harv’s Plaza makes them more permanently available.
- If any of these vendors is visiting the player’s island, they will not appear in Harv’s Plaza for that day.
- Saharah
- Allows purchase of rugs, carpets, and wallpapers , including Moving Wallpaper.
- Kicks
- Allows purchase of shoes, socks, and bags, including handheld bags.
- Redd
- Allows purchase of artwork and statues.
- Unlike on his trawler, Redd will only offer two pieces of art and will offer no custom furniture. Redd will also not change his inventory unless players have bought a piece of art from him the day before.
- Redd will hold Redd’s Raffle in the plaza, normally only available in August.
- Leif
- Allows purchase of shrubs, flower seeds, and produce starts.
- Leif will also buy weeds at double the price, and can be paid 100,000 bells to remove all weeds from the player’s island.
- Reese and Cyrus
- Allows players to customize furniture and items they cannot normally customize on their own, such as items purchased via with Nook Miles.
- Tortimer
- Allows players to access their house storage while on Harv’s Island.
- Katrina
- Will tell the player’s fortune for 1,000 bells, telling them if they will have good luck or bad luck. Some players have reported that using this can sometimes make it so that tools will not break for one day.
- For 1,000 bells, Katrina can also check the player’s friendship level with a particular villager. For another 10,000 bells, she can increase the player’s friendship level with that villager.
- Harriet
- Automatically unlocked one day after first visiting Harv’s Plaza, will trim the player’s hair and unlock new hairstyles.
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