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Here’s All Pokemon Currently Featured In New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap has just been released in certain parts of the world, meaning we now know exactly which Pokemon made the cut to be featured in the game.

Below you will find a list of all 200+ Pokemon that make appearances in the game, based on information from datamines and other reliable sources. As this list could be considered a spoiler for the game, only read on if you are alright with being spoiled!

In total, there are 214 Pokemon that players can encounter in the Lental Region spread out across 12 different areas (including the base camp). The full list of Pokemon sorted by Generation can be found below:

Generation I

  1. Bulbasaur
  2. Venusaur
  3. Charmander
  4. Charizard
  5. Squirtle
  6. Blastoise
  7. Caterpie
  8. Metapod
  9. Pidgeot
  10. Rattata
  11. Arbok
  12. Pikachu
  13. Raichu
  14. Sandshrew
  15. Sandslash
  16. Clefairy
  17. Vulpix
  18. Ninetales
  19. Meowth
  20. Machamp
  21. Tentacruel
  22. Geodude
  23. Graveler
  24. Dodrio
  25. Dewgong
  26. Gengar
  27. Onix
  28. Exeggutor
  29. Kangaskhan
  30. Starmie
  31. Jynx
  32. Pinsir
  33. Magikarp
  34. Lapras
  35. Eevee
  36. Vaporeon
  37. Jolteon
  38. Flareon
  39. Aerodactyl
  40. Mew

Generation II

  1. Meganium
  2. Typhlosion
  3. Furret
  4. Hoothoot
  5. Ledian
  6. Ariados
  7. Crobat
  8. Chinchou
  9. Lanturn
  10. Pichu
  11. Natu
  12. Bellossom
  13. Sudowoodo
  14. Aipom
  15. Wooper
  16. Quagsire
  17. Espeon
  18. Umbreon
  19. Murkrow
  20. Steelix
  21. Qwilfish
  22. Heracross
  23. Slugma
  24. Swinub
  25. Corsola
  26. Octillery
  27. Delibird
  28. Mantine
  29. Skarmory
  30. Houndoom
  31. Suicune
  32. Tyranitar
  33. Lugia
  34. Ho-Oh
  35. Celebi

Generation III

  1. Torchic
  2. Swampert
  3. Mightyena
  4. Wurmple
  5. Beautifly
  6. Lotad
  7. Shiftry
  8. Taillow
  9. Wingull
  10. Pelipper
  11. Gardevoir
  12. Slaking
  13. Sableye
  14. Mawile
  15. Sharpedo
  16. Wailmer
  17. Wailord
  18. Torkoal
  19. Trapinch
  20. Flygon
  21. Cacnea
  22. Altaria
  23. Zangoose
  24. Seviper
  25. Cradily
  26. Milotic
  27. Kecleon
  28. Absol
  29. Snorunt
  30. Glalie
  31. Spheal
  32. Clamperl
  33. Luvdisc
  34. Jirachi

Generation IV

  1. Torterra
  2. Monferno
  3. Piplup
  4. Starly
  5. Bidoof
  6. Shinx
  7. Luxray
  8. Rampardos
  9. Combee
  10. Vespiquen
  11. Drifloon
  12. Drifblim
  13. Hippowdon
  14. Skorupi
  15. Croagunk
  16. Finneon
  17. Lumineon
  18. Abomasnow
  19. Weavile
  20. Tangrowth
  21. Yanmega
  22. Leafeon
  23. Glaceon
  24. Mamoswine
  25. Froslass
  26. Manaphy
  27. Shaymin

Generation V

  1. Serperior
  2. Stoutland
  3. Liepard
  4. Unfezant
  5. Woobat
  6. Audino
  7. Sigilyph
  8. Archeops
  9. Trubbish
  10. Ducklett
  11. Swanna
  12. Vanilluxe
  13. Deerling
  14. Sawsbuck
  15. Emolga
  16. Frillish
  17. Alomomola
  18. Joltik
  19. Beheeyem
  20. Chandelure
  21. Cubchoo
  22. Beartic
  23. Stunfisk
  24. Golurk
  25. Bouffalant
  26. Braviary
  27. Mandibuzz
  28. Hydreigon
  29. Volcarona

Generation VI

  1. Bunnelby
  2. Talonflame
  3. Vivillon
  4. Florges
  5. Pancham
  6. Espurr
  7. Inkay
  8. Clawitzer
  9. Heliolisk
  10. Tyrantrum
  11. Aurorus
  12. Sylveon
  13. Dedenne
  14. Carbink
  15. Goodra
  16. Trevenant
  17. Pumpkaboo
  18. Avalugg
  19. Noibat
  20. Noivern
  21. Xerneas
  22. Diancie

Generation VII

  1. Primarina
  2. Pikipek
  3. Toucannon
  4. Crabrawler
  5. Crabominable
  6. Cutiefly
  7. Lycanroc
  8. Wishiwashi
  9. Mareanie
  10. Morelull
  11. Salandit
  12. Bewear
  13. Bounsweet
  14. Comfey
  15. Golisopod
  16. Sandygast
  17. Pyukumuku
  18. Minior
  19. Drampa

Generation VIII

  1. Grookey
  2. Scorbunny
  3. Sobble
  4. Eldegoss
  5. Applin
  6. Silicobra
  7. Snom
  8. Frosmoth

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.


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