Categories: Switch

Indie Devs Discuss Why They Feel Switch Is The Best Place For New Games

In a recent feature on IGN, several of the developers from the latest Nindies Showcase shared their thoughts on being part of the Nintendo family, and why they feel that the Switch is the best platform for them.

According to the developers, part of the reason is that many of them grew up on Nintendo games, and feel honored by the opportunity to have their work featured on Nintendo’s consoles. In addition, Nintendo has shown a strong passion in seeking out interesting and innovative indie titles to support and bring onto the Switch. Its that feeling of strong support that plays the biggest role in helping indie developers feel welcome on the Switch, and that they can put their trust in Nintendo to have their back.

Below are a few excerpts of what they had to say:

StudioMDHR’s Jared Moldenhaur (Cuphead)

“There’s only so much you can do with as many games are coming out now, but it’s nice to see how much effort [Nintendo] put into supporting [indies] as much as humanly possible. You need to have faith in a company that actually looks for and finds a way to get the most interesting games out there and get them in player’s hands. Nintendo is the type of company that believes in indie games.”

“Something like this is what you dream of. Everything as a kid, knowing the old video game gods of Sega and Nintendo, that you finally got to be on the one that’s still alive, there’s nothing quite like that experience.”

Timberline Studio’s Lindsey Rostal (The Red Lantern)

“They see the innovation in games and they just love the creation and the artistic process and want to show those. …taking [indie devs] to interviews, helping to put us front and center is really important to know you have that support.

A lot of us grew up playing these games on Nintendo, and it’s always been a dream of us to be a part of that. …there is that feeling like ‘I want to have my game there because my childhood was there and they’re continuing to build this for new childhoods.’”

BonusXP’s David Pottinger (Stranger Things 3)

“One of the ways Nintendo maintains quality when you look at the games they’re bringing to Switch and you look at the games they’re promoting is honest-to-goodness effort. It just takes effort. You can’t get good curation without that.”

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.


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