Nintendo Confirms They Will Not Be At Gamescom 2024

Nintendo Confirms They Will Not Be At Gamescom 2024

Nintendo has announced that they will not be attending the annual Gamescom convention in 2024.

This news comes from an official statements issued to Eurogamer as well as German site Games Wirtschaft. They state that Nintendo will not be participating after “careful consideration”, although they will still be present at other gaming events in Germany.

Nintendo of Europe to Games Wirtschaft: “Gamescom is a central event in Nintendo’s event calendar. This year, however, after careful consideration, we decided against taking part in Cologne. Instead, players can try out the games for Nintendo Switch as part of other Germany-wide events.”

Nintendo UK to Eurogamer : “Gamescom is a great event, and each year we evaluate whether Nintendo should participate or not. After careful consideration from all perspectives, we’ve made the decision not to be present at gamescom 2024. Players will have opportunities to try out Nintendo Switch games at other events throughout the year.”

Gamescom is one of the largest gaming conventions in the world, and Nintendo was previously rumored to have demoed the upcoming Switch successor at last year’s event. With Nintendo’s calendar mostly empty at the moment, its possible that they simply did not have anything significant to warrant appearing at this year’s iteration. Stay tuned for more updates as they come.

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