Nintendo Files More Than 1,300 New Copyright Claims On Large Video Game Music Channel

Nintendo Files More Than 1,300 New Copyright Claims On Large Video Game Music Channel

Nintendo has filed a new round of copyright claims on Youtube videos containing music from their videogames.

The claims were filed against Gilvasunner, a popular video game music channel which serves as an archive for videogame soundtracks. Due to the nature of the channel, Gilvasunner is a frequent target of Nintendo’s copyright strikes, having been hit with similar mass takedowns back in 2020 and 2019.

Following the 2020 takedown, Gilvasunner shared a few of thoughts about the situation, clarifying that the channel does not profit off of the videos, and that they bear no ill will towards Nintendo for the takedowns. Gilvasunner did however point out the lack of alternatives for listening to music from Nintendo’s games, but refrained from commenting further.

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