NintendoSoup Giveaway: Pokemon TCG Genesect Set And Phoenix Orb
Hey everyone! Welcome to NintendoSoup’s sixth giveaway!
This month we’re giving away a couple of items to six lucky winners, in collaboration with our friends at Raid Pixel. The first product is the Pokemon TCG Mythical Box, featuring Genesect. It comes with a few packs of Pokemon Generations cards and Genesect loot. The second is a Phoenix Orb from Raid Pixel.
As this is our second giveaway with Raid Pixel, we’ve decided to change things for a bit. There will be 5 lucky winners walking away with a Pokemon TCG Genesect Set, and 1 extremely lucky winner getting both the TCG and a Phoenix Orb!
To enter the giveaway, simply head over to Facebook below.
The giveaway ends on November 7, 2017 at 9:00am Pacific Time. Also, this giveaway is open to everyone around the world, as we’ll ship the prize to the winner (we’ll take care of all the shipping fees). We’ll announce the winners the week after November 7.
Good luck everyone!