Phantasy Star Online 2 Cloud Arrives Spring 2018 On Switch
Cloud-based MMORPG Phantasy Star Online 2 Cloud has received a launch window from SEGA today. The game will launch via the Japanese Switch eShop in Spring 2018 as a free download.
As Phantasy Star Online 2 Cloud gets all of its data from the cloud, players wouldn’t have to download huge chunks of data or updates as everything is pulled from the server. The downside to this is you’ll need a stable Internet connection to play it. The game will run at 30 frames per second under normal circumstances (no lag).
Players on the Switch will be able to join quests with other players on PC, however cross-platform play with other devices aren’t supported. You can still play Phantasy Star Online 2 Cloud on any device as it uses the same SEGA ID on Switch, PC, and other platforms (Arks Cash and Star Gems will be shared too).