Pheromosa Makes Anime Debut In March 24’s Pokemon Sun & Moon Episode
Code-named “UB-02 Beauty”, it runs across the land at blinding speeds, refusing to touch anything it deems “unclean”. The dangerous Ultra Beast from Ultra Desert, Pheromosa, finally makes its anime debut!
Next week’s episode of the Pokemon anime in Japan (March 24th) will finally feature the debut of Pheromosa. Judging from the preview, the plot will involve Meowth falling in love with Pheromosa as it uses its blinding speed to steal the Z-Crystals that the characters have been painstakingly collecting all season. At the very end, we also see that the Ultra Beast will face off against Kahuna Hala in a battle, just like its appearance in Pokemon Moon version!
Watch the preview below (courtesy of Pikafan World).
With Pheromosa making its debut, Kartana is now the last Ultra Beast that has yet to appear in the anime. In a way, this is another reminder that Ash too will be saying goodbye to Alola soon, as the release of Pokemon Sword & Shield looms on the horizon.
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