Platinum Games Shares More Details About Project G.G.’s Concept, Release Platforms, And Development Time
Last month, Platinum Games unveiled Project G.G., an new original title that takes inspiration from the Ultraman series.
In an interview with IGN Japan, Platinum’s Hideki Kamiya & Atsushi Inaba shared more about the concept behind the game as part of Platinum’s “Hero Trilogy”, the platforms it will release on, as well as roughly when they expect the game to come out.
Check out what they had to say below:
The Concept
Kamiya: “We have labelled it as being part of the Hideki Kamiya hero trilogy. The first two titles being Viewtiful Joe, which is a solo hero story, and The Wonderful 101, which is a story of a group of heroes. In Japan, the next type of hero would be the giant hero, and I’ve always wanted to make a game based on that idea.”
Kamiya: “But while Viewtiful Joe and The Wonderful 101 were pure action games, this will not be like that. Any game I make will of course include carefully crafted action elements, but this won’t be simply an action game. There will be much more to it than that.”
Kamiya: “[I]t won’t be a very niche kind of game; giant hero stories are popular in Japan, with things like Ultraman, and the game will have that kind of flavor to it, but I don’t want to restrict myself to the Japanese hero genre. So the setting will probably not be Japan, as that might be restrictive. But I haven’t decided yet.”
Inaba: “Basically we’d like to hit PS4, Xbox One, Switch and Steam, and then of course PS5 and Series X are coming soon. We don’t know exactly when this will come out, but we’d like to release it on whatever are the main platforms at that time,”
Release Estimates
Kamiya/Inaba: “Put it this way, we’re not looking at something as long as three years. Nor will it be as soon as half a year or a year. But as our first self-owned and self-published game, we want to deliver it as soon as we can.”
Kamiya: “Hey, I don’t have any desire to release games quickly! My only desire is to release games that are good.”
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