Pokemon HOME Scarlet/Violet Compatibility Update Set For May 30th 2023
The Pokemon Company has announced the official release date for the Pokemon Scarlet And Violet compatibility update for Pokemon HOME.
As announced on Twitter, the Version 3.0.0 update for Pokemon HOME will be released on May 30th 2023, with a server maintenance scheduled from 9AM JST. During the maintenance, Pokemon HOME will not be accessible. This update was previously announced to add compatibility with Pokemon Scarlet And Violet among other new features.
In order to manage server load, access to the app will resume in stages, and some users may have to wait until May 31st 3PM JST the following day to regain access. Once they do however, they will presumably be able to transfer their Pokemon from HOME to Scarlet/Violet and vice versa.
くわしくは、スマートフォン版『Pokémon HOME』のお知らせをご覧ください。
大変お待たせしておりますが、もう少々お待ちいただけますよう、よろしくお願いいたします。— ポケモン公式 (@Pokemon_cojp) May 26, 2023
Stay tuned for more updates as they come.