Pokemon Sword & Shield Developers Have Shared More Details About Grookey
Recently, Game Informer managed to get an interview with the developers behind Pokemon Sword & Shield where they asked many different questions about Grookey.
Check it out the details from the interview below:
- Grookey loves to climb trees.
- They have a mysterious stick on the head that it uses to tap trees and the ground to give life and energy. For example, if you hit the stick on to the ground then grass will grow in that area.
- The developers didn’t want to comment on whether the stick will be important in Grookey’s evolution, they just laughed about it and said that it’s hard to imagine what it will become.
- Grookey puts people in a good mood and that they are the opposite of Sobble, who is more depressed.
- Upon making another initial monkey after Chimchar, they share that there are many types of monkeys in the world and say it will be interesting to see what it becomes as it evolves. They said there will be differences between the evolutions of Chimchar and Grookey: “Through the evolutions, I think you will see differences between these cute Pokémon”.
- They believe that Grookey will be chosen by people who like to dance at parties, go out and enjoy their time with this Pokémon.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.