Recently on Twitter, the director behind Pokken Tournament, Katsuhiro Harada, responded to a fan revealing that he would be willing to do a sequel to Pokken Tournament as the first game was received well and he currently has a good relationship with the Pokemon Company.
Pokken Tournament previously released on Wii U in 2016 to much success and was later ported to Nintendo Switch as a deluxe package in 2018.
Check out what he said below:
Fan: Harada-san, you do consider Pokkén a “one time only” celebration of these great series, or would you be open to return and make a sequel in the future, if you get the chance?
Katsuhiro Harada: We have a good relationship with Nintendo and Pokemon Co., Ltd., and POKKÉN has had a great response, so I would like to make it again. But it’s not what we decide, it’s what they decide.
Could Pokken Tournament receive a sequel one day? Let us know what you think in the comments.
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