Random: This Mod Injects The Goose From Untitled Goose Game Into Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
As readers will know by now, the mischief of the goose from Untitled Goose Game has spread far and wide – with fans making all sorts of parodies and tributes for the bird. Thanks to some resourceful modders, however – it looks like the same goose will now be going even further beyond!
In particular, a modder by the name of Mastaklo has modified the recently-released Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot game with the goose as its main hero instead! Indeed, fans of the goose will now be able to see the bird beat up foes in high-octane anime combat!
Check out the inanity of it all below:
While Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot isn’t on Switch, you can still experience the mischief of Untitled Goose Game from the eShop today.