Reminder: Pokemon GO Solstice event is beginning soon
To kick off the 1 year anniversary celebrations of Pokemon GO, the Pokemon GO Solstice event is about to begin soon.
During the duration of the event, it will be much easier to find Fire-type and Ice-type Pokemon in the wild. In addition, you can earn more XP for hatching eggs and performing Curveballs, First Throws, and other perfect throws. Lucky Eggs will be 50% off in the in-game shop.
The Solstice event will begin at the following times:
Pacific Time: June 13 2017, 1pm
New York Time: June 13 2017, 4pm
London Time: June 13 2017, 9pm
Singapore Time: June 14 2017, 4am
Tokyo Time: June 14 2017, 5am