Rumor: Dataminers Discover The Full List Of Returning Pokemon For The Crown Tundra DLC

Rumor: Dataminers Discover The Full List Of Returning Pokemon For The Crown Tundra DLC

As many of you know, the Pokemon Sword And Shield Crown Tundra DLC is set to introduce another round of returning Pokemon to the games, much like how the Isle Of Armor reintroduced around 100 additional Pokemon.

With the release of the Isle Of Armor, Pokemon dataminers have discovered what could be the full list of returning Pokemon for the upcoming Crown Tundra DLC. This list was derived from mounting evidence that Pokemon planned to return via DLC have their Pokedex entries “deleted” in the game data, while Pokemon that aren’t planned to return via DLC have their Pokedex entries left blank.

You can find the list below:

  1. Nidoran♀
  2. Nidorina
  3. Nidoqueen
  4. Nidoran♂
  5. Nidorino
  6. Nidoking
  7. Zubat
  8. Golbat
  9. Jynx
  10. Electabuzz
  11. Magmar
  12. Omanyte
  13. Omastar
  14. Kabuto
  15. Kabutops
  16. Aerodactyl
  17. Articuno
  18.  Zapdos
  19. Moltres
  20. Dratini
  21. Dragonair
  22. Dragonite
  23. Crobat
  24. Smoochum
  25. Elekid
  26. Magby
  27. Raikou
  28. Entei
  29. Suicune
  30. Lugia
  31. Ho-Oh
  32. Treecko
  33. Grovyle
  34. Sceptile
  35. Torchic
  36. Combusken
  37. Blaziken
  38. Mudkip
  39. Marshtomp
  40. Swampert
  41. Aron
  42. Lairon
  43. Aggron
  44. Swablu
  45. Altaria
  46. Lileep
  47. Cradily
  48. Anorith
  49. Armaldo
  50. Absol
  51. Spheal
  52. Sealeo
  53. Walrein
  54. Relicanth
  55. Bagon
  56. Shelgon
  57. Salamence
  58. Beldum
  59. Metang
  60. Metagross
  61. Regirock
  62. Regice
  63. Registeel
  64. Latias
  65. Latios
  66. Kyogre
  67. Groudon
  68. Rayquaza
  69. Spiritomb
  70. Gible
  71. Gabite
  72. Garchomp
  73. Electivire
  74. Magmortar
  75. Uxie
  76. Mesprit
  77. Azelf
  78. Dialga
  79. Palkia
  80. Heatran
  81. Regigigas
  82. Giratina
  83. Cresselia
  84. Victini
  85. Audino
  86. Tirtouga
  87. Carracosta
  88. Archen
  89. Archeops
  90. Cryogonal
  91. Tornadus
  92. Thundurus
  93. Landorus
  94. Genesect
  95. Tyrunt
  96. Tyrantrum
  97. Amaura
  98. Aurorus
  99. Carbink
  100. Xerneas
  101. Yveltal
  102. Zygarde
  103. Diancie
  104. Volcanion
  105. Tapu Koko
  106. Tapu Lele
  107. Tapu Bulu
  108. Tapu Fini
  109. Nihilego
  110. Buzzwole
  111. Pheromosa
  112. Xurkitree
  113. Celesteela
  114. Kartana
  115. Guzzlord
  116. Poipole
  117. Naganadel
  118. Stakataka
  119. Blacephalon

As with all datamines, we caution readers to take this list with a grain of salt. We will be sure to share more details should these Pokemon be officially revealed to be returning.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
