Rumor: Super Mario Maker 2 Release Date Leaked For June 14th By Amazon UK
On the official website for Amazon UK, it seems the release date for Super Mario Maker 2 on Nintendo Switch may have accidentally been leaked for June 14th 2019!
This was noticed by many customers who pre-ordered the game via Amazon UK receiving emails telling them that the game will arrive by June 14th!
Check it out below:
It seems Amazon UK will be receiving their stock on June 12th and will send out the copies of the game then which will arrive to many by post on June 14th.
This could be an error on Amazon UK’s part as this hasn’t not been confirmed by Nintendo or even appeared on any other retailers site but with June 14th being a Friday this could be real with it being a day Nintendo games are typically released.
It would be an interesting time to release the game considering it will be during E3 however Nintendo has dropped games surprisingly during the event with Fortnite and even Hollow Knight!
If we have any more information to share we will cover it here at NintendoSoup so stay tuned for more!