Smash Ultimate “Byleth Teaches Everyone” Tournament Starts February 7th
Nintendo has announced the next in-game tournament starting for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
This time, the tournament celebrates the arrival of Byleth in the game, and is themed after the three main weapons of used by his/her students (Axe, Bow, Spear). The tournament starts this Friday on February 7th, and will run for three days.
ベレト/ベレスがみんなを実技指導!? 2/7(金)から3日間、弓、槍、斧の使い手限定トーナメント「先生教えて! 弓、槍、斧の使いかた」を開催します。#スマブラSP— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) February 5, 2020
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