Sonic The Hedgehog Twitter Parodies Avengers Endgame Film Posters

Sonic The Hedgehog Twitter Parodies Avengers Endgame Film Posters

Recently, Marvel has released some brand new promotional posters for their hugely anticipated film Avengers Endgame with the tagline “Avenge The Fallen”.

Well it seems that the internet has taken a liking to the posters with many creating memes/parodies of them with the official Sonic The Hedgehog social media also joining in!

Check it out below:

Here are the original posters:

Many fans of course found this funny (with the post also mocking Tails infamous line from Sonic Heroes) which led to hilarious responses from them:


If we have any more information to share we will cover it here at NintendoSoup so stay tuned for more!