Sora Has Been Added To The Smash Ultimate Mural
Kingdom Hearts’ Sora has been revealed as the final DLC character in Season 2 of the Super Smash Ultimate Fighter’s Pass, and with his debut comes his addition to the game’s iconic mural!
Including Sora, there is now a grand total of 89 characters from a plethora of video games depicted on the mural.
Check it out below:
キーブレードを片手にほほえむソラが加わり、全86種類のファイターが、ここに集いました。#スマブラSP pic.twitter.com/gB7FG8LcJV— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) October 5, 2021
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