Star Fox Character Designer And Former Rare Artist Celebrate Star Fox Adventures’ 20th Anniversary

Star Fox Character Designer And Former Rare Artist Celebrate Star Fox Adventures’ 20th Anniversary

20 years ago, the Star Fox franchise ventured into a new genre with Star Fox Adventures – an action adventure game that saw series protagonist Fox McCloud embark on a mission to save the aptly-named Dinosaur Planet. While it has been years since Nintendo acknowledged both Star Fox Adventures and the Star Fox series as a whole, some prominent creators have now shared their tributes for the game!

To commemorate the game’s 20th anniversary, Star Fox character designer Takaya Imamura has shared a new illustration of Krystal – who first debuted in Star Fox Adventures as a new heroine that Fox McCloud encounters. Check it out in full below:

Will Overton, a former Rare Artist and magazine cover designer, also shared a neat peek at the company’s 2001 Christmas card, which actually featured some of the cast of Star Fox Adventures. While Overton did not work on Star Fox Adventures directly, it’s a pretty lovely tribute to the game!

The latest Star Fox game released by Nintendo to date is Star Fox Zero – a reimagining of the original Star Fox 64 storyline with a new control scheme, released for the Wii U console in 2016. Things have been quiet for the franchise since then, although fans continue to hope that Nintendo will one day revive it with a new title.

How about you? Have you played Star Fox Adventures before? Feel free to share below!
