Steven & Metagross Arrive February 14th In Pokemon Masters, Twitter Campaign Now Live
DeNA has confirmed the arrival of another highly anticipated Sync Pair in Pokemon Masters.
As announced via Twitter, Steven & Metagross will be making their big debut in Pokemon Masters on February 14th 2020. If the recent datamine is to be believed, Steven & Metagross will be part of a Pokefair Scout event, meaning that they are limited and won’t be added to the general summoning pool.
先ほど公開された、伝説ポケモンイベント「天空を統べる竜」特別映像の中で「ダイゴ&メタグロス」が発表されています👀詳細が決まり次第、続報をお知らせしていきます!お楽しみに☺️#ポケマス pic.twitter.com/YM4IGo19Jq
— 【公式】ポケマスEXだいすきクラブ (@pokemas_game) January 30, 2020
アプリゲーム『ポケモンマスターズ』に「ヒガナ&レックウザ」が登場! 伝説ポケモンイベント「天空を統べる竜」が、2月14日(金)14時59分まで開催中だよ! そして、「ダイゴ&メタグロス」も登場決定! くわしくはこちら! https://t.co/t08JqSASDF #ポケマス pic.twitter.com/tjrP32hMWB
— ポケモン公式 (@Pokemon_cojp) January 30, 2020
In preparation for his arrival, the Pokemon Masters Twitter account is holding a special campaign for in-game rewards. Through using the poll below, players can vote on a set of evolutionary materials that will be distributed to all players.
▼詳細はこちらhttps://t.co/fiV4azNKjs#ポケマスhttps://t.co/55ZsNWuswx— 【公式】ポケマスEXだいすきクラブ (@pokemas_game) January 31, 2020
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