How Much Money Does A Video Game Store Make?
Since it’s the holiday season I found today the perfect time to talk about how much video game retailers make.
NintendoSoup Giveaway: Majora’s Mask And Skyward Sword Link amiibo
Congrats to our winner!
Things You Didn’t Know About Wearing A Pikachu Mascot Suit
Ever wondered how the Pikachu mascot looks before someone enters the suit? Today we have an answer.
Has The Nintendo Switch Shortage Ended In Japan?
If you’ve been reading NintendoSoup this year, you’d probably know we have been extensively covering the Switch stock situation in Japan.
NintendoSoup Giveaway: Teslagrad For Switch
Congratulations to our lucky winner!
NintendoSoup Giveaway: Bayonetta amiibo
Congratulations to our 6 winners!
Last month we were given the opportunity to try out upcoming strategy game TINY METAL, which is scheduled to arrive December 21 on Nintendo Switch.
NintendoSoup Giveaway: Cat Quest
And our lucky winner is…
NintendoSoup Giveaway: Pokemon Ultra Sun And Ultra Moon
Thanks for participating everyone! Here are our winners.
NintendoSoup Is Hiring!
Ever wanted to write for a Nintendo news site? Here’s your chance!