Categories: PokemonSwitch

These Are The 234 Pokemon Still Absent From Pokemon Sword And Shield

Last week, the Crown Tundra DLC for Pokemon Sword And Shield was released, accompanied by a free update which made several returning Pokemon from past titles into the games.

That said, there still remain 234 old Pokemon that currently cannot be transferred or used in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Going by Generation, Generation III has the most missing Pokemon at 49, while Generation VII has the least missing at 11.

You can read the full list of these 234 absent Pokemon below:

Generation I

  1. Weedle
  2. Kakuna
  3. Beedrill
  4. Pidgey
  5. Pidgeotto
  6. Pidgeot
  7. Rattata
  8. Raticate
  9. Spearow
  10. Fearow
  11. Ekans
  12. Arbok
  13. Paras
  14. Parasect
  15. Venonat
  16. Venomoth
  17. Mankey
  18. Primeape
  19. Bellsprout
  20. Weepinbell
  21. Victreebel
  22. Geodude
  23. Graveler
  24. Golem
  25. Doduo
  26. Dodrio
  27. Seel
  28. Dewgong
  29. Grimer
  30. Muk
  31. Drowzee
  32. Hypno
  33. Voltorb
  34. Electrode

Generation II

  1. Chikorita
  2. Bayleef
  3. Meganium
  4. Cyndaquil
  5. Quilava
  6. Typhlosion
  7. Totodile
  8. Croconaw
  9. Feraligatr
  10. Sentret
  11. Furret
  12. Ledyba
  13. Ledian
  14. Spinarak
  15. Ariados
  16. Mareep
  17. Flaaffy
  18. Ampharos
  19. Hoppip
  20. Skiploom
  21. Jumpluff
  22. Aipom
  23. Sunkern
  24. Sunflora
  25. Yanma
  26. Murkrow
  27. Misdreavus
  28. Unown
  29. Girafarig
  30. Pineco
  31. Forretress
  32. Gligar
  33. Snubbull
  34. Granbull
  35. Teddiursa
  36. Ursaring
  37. Slugma
  38. Magcargo
  39. Houndour
  40. Houndoom
  41. Phanpy
  42. Donphan
  43. Stantler
  44. Smeargle

Generation III

  1. Poochyena
  2. Mightyena
  3. Wurmple
  4. Silcoon
  5. Beautifly
  6. Cascoon
  7. Dustox
  8. Taillow
  9. Swellow
  10. Surskit
  11. Masquerain
  12. Shroomish
  13. Breloom
  14. Slakoth
  15. Vigoroth
  16. Slaking
  17. Makuhita
  18. Hariyama
  19. Nosepass
  20. Skitty
  21. Delcatty
  22. Meditite
  23. Medicham
  24. Plusle
  25. Minun
  26. Volbeat
  27. Illumise
  28. Gulpin
  29. Swalot
  30. Numel
  31. Camerupt
  32. Spoink
  33. Grumpig
  34. Spinda
  35. Cacnea
  36. Cacturne
  37. Zangoose
  38. Seviper
  39. Castform
  40. Kecleon
  41. Shuppet
  42. Banette
  43. Tropius
  44. Chimecho
  45. Clamperl
  46. Huntail
  47. Gorebyss
  48. Luvdisc
  49. Deoxys

Generation IV

  1. Turtwig
  2. Grotle
  3. Torterra
  4. Chimchar
  5. Monferno
  6. Infernape
  7. Piplup
  8. Prinplup
  9. Empoleon
  10. Starly
  11. Staravia
  12. Staraptor
  13. Bidoof
  14. Bibarel
  15. Kricketot
  16. Kricketune
  17. Cranidos
  18. Rampardos
  19. Shieldon
  20. Bastiodon
  21. Burmy
  22. Wormadam
  23. Mothim
  24. Pachirisu
  25. Buizel
  26. Floatzel
  27. Ambipom
  28. Mismagius
  29. Honchkrow
  30. Glameow
  31. Purugly
  32. Chingling
  33. Chatot
  34. Carnivine
  35. Finneon
  36. Lumineon
  37. Yanmega
  38. Gliscor
  39. Probopass
  40. Phione
  41. Manaphy
  42. Darkrai
  43. Shaymin
  44. Arceus

Generation V

  1. Snivy
  2. Servine
  3. Serperior
  4. Tepig
  5. Pignite
  6. Emboar
  7. Oshawott
  8. Dewott
  9. Samurott
  10. Patrat
  11. Watchog
  12. Pansage
  13. Simisage
  14. Pansear
  15. Simisear
  16. Panpour
  17. Simipour
  18. Blitzle
  19. Zebstrika
  20. Sewaddle
  21. Swadloon
  22. Leavanny
  23. Ducklett
  24. Swanna
  25. Deerling
  26. Sawsbuck
  27. Alomomola
  28. Tynamo
  29. Eelektrik
  30. Eelektross
  31. Meloetta

Generation VI

  1. Chespin
  2. Quilladin
  3. Chesnaught
  4. Fennekin
  5. Braixen
  6. Delphox
  7. Froakie
  8. Frogadier
  9. Greninja
  10. Scatterbug
  11. Spewpa
  12. Vivillon
  13. Litleo
  14. Pyroar
  15. Flabébé
  16. Floette
  17. Florges
  18. Skiddo
  19. Gogoat
  20. Furfrou
  21. Hoopa

Generation VII

  1. Pikipek
  2. Trumbeak
  3. Toucannon
  4. Yungoos
  5. Gumshoos
  6. Crabrawler
  7. Crabominable
  8. Oricorico
  9. Minior
  10. Komala
  11. Bruxish

Currently, it is unknown whether these absent Pokemon will one day be added into Pokemon Sword And Shield, much like how the Isle Of Armor and Crown Tundra DLC added around 200 returning monsters via free updates. We will be sure to report back with more information should it become available.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.


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