Categories: 3DSPokemon

Ultra Sun And Ultra Moon Are The Worst Reviewed Pokemon Games In Japan

When Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon launched in Japan, the game’s release attracted over 500 people lining up outside the largest Pokemon Center in Japan.

And then things started going downhill.

Just one day after the game’s launch, an avalanche of negative reviews started to pour from customers who pre-ordered the game on Amazon Japan. At the time of writing, here’s how it looks like:

Out of 124 customers, an overwhelming 65 gave Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon 1 out of 5 stars. 23 users rated it 5 stars, 11 gave 4 stars, 7 rated 3 stars, and finally 18 gave 2 stars. Due to the high number of low scores received, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon now have an average 2.5 star rating on Amazon Japan, which is the lowest rating any Pokemon game has ever received on the website.

In fact, things are so bad that Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are the first mainline Pokemon games on Amazon Japan to receive more one star ratings than other star ratings. For a Pokemon game, it’s really shocking.

Some might claim Japanese gamers are harsher than gamers living in the west, and third versions like Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon, Black 2/White 2 tend to perform worst than their prequel counterparts. Here are some ratings for other Pokemon titles released in the past:

Pokemon Sun

Pokemon Pearl

Pokemon Platinum

Pokemon Black

Pokemon Black 2

But what exactly made Japanese trainers dislike Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon so much? Here are some reviews which don’t mince words.

TETO: I’ll say this from the perspective of something who has spent 1700 hours on Pokemon Sun and Moon, having caught every Pokemon, and having battled Red. Sun and Moon are incomplete titles, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon (USUM) adds small changes to those incomplete titles, thus USUM are imperfect minor change titles.

There’s no feeling of freshness that players felt in Black 2/White 2. On the contrary things have degraded. There’s no National Dex, but only an Alolan Dex unlike in Sun and Moon. Despite that bad explanatory notes still exist in the Pokedex.

The Ultra Recon Squad which are new characters in USUM hinder the story’s pace. There is no way to skip the cutscenes, events, and dialogue that appeared in Sun and Moon in USUM. The story’s meaningless conversations and dialogue options along with the story tempo makes everything worse. Although this is a game more toward catching and breeding Pokemon a skip function should have been included to help immerse players in the game.

The main story hasn’t changed much and it feels all of this could have been 500 yen DLC for Sun and Moon.

If the developers do not reflect on what they have done and continue to run wildly the Pokemon brand will be endangered when more people become indifferent to it. Please reflect on this and make a good Generation 8 game. (1 star out of 5 stars)


Leiden: This should have been DLC. The game has omitted too many crucial steps. There wasn’t any kaizen (improvement) from Pokemon Sun and Moon, which should have been the case. I didn’t expect the game to be sold with the awful friends bullshit tempo. I’m so angry to the extent if Game Freak develops the next Pokemon game I will never buy a Pokemon game again. (1 star out of 5 stars)


Amazo Taro: This game has embarrassed the entire Pokemon franchise. It has only been a year since Sun and Moon were released, making a game with the same story is something I didn’t think they would do.

I even had to guess whether there were any changes before entering the (Team Rainbow Rocket) palace from the advertisements. Absolutely disappointing and bad quality.

I believe the profits from this game not only go to Game Freak but a considerable chunk goes to Nintendo too. Nintendo is responsible for this too… because Pokemon is a cash cow. (1 star out of 5 stars)


Amazon Customer: This is not a new title at all! I wouldn’t call Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon a poor quality piece of work. It stands at the same level as add-on DLC that should have been made available for Sun and Moon.

The developers worked hard on Sun and Moon thus it was evident that the game was profitable. If they did something similar to Black 2 and White 2’s “several years later” setting I would have given Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon 5 stars.

Do not trick and exploit children with such copycat behavior! Or else this game wouldn’t yield a profit. (1 star out of 5 stars)


Kyasarin: Thank you Nintendo. With the release of this title I have abandoned Nintendo. I thank you for everything up till today. Please continue to work hard. With that I give this 5 stars. (5 out of 5 stars)


Do you think the Japanese have gone overboard or are completely reasonable with their comments? Let us know in the comments section below. Meanwhile you may wish to consider checking out our review.


View Comments

  • Good read, thanks for posting this, I love Sun for its freshness but hated how easy and annoying it got with the constant healing after ever battle, zero challenge -_____- Happy Amazon dot com sent me a damaged box steal book edition and I returned it, will buy the game dirt cheap for collector reasons...Happy I am not alone in this, hope Gen 8 really steps it up!!!

    • Because diamond and pearl weren't deeply flawed. Platinum followed the pattern set clear back with Crystal of consolidating the two versions and adding some minor additional content. People expected fixes to all the awful stuff in sun and moon and got none of it.

    • I actually played platinum before usum came out, and that game didnt hold your hand. They make the game too easy with healers and that stupid rotom, GTS is still a pain in the butt (hackers everywhere still) , still cant go to other regions, WHERE IS BATTLE FRONTIER?!, why can't eggs auto go into my box/pay someone in-game to hatch them, elite four is weak sauce (ORAS E4 wanted you dead), WHERE IN GOD'S NAME IS THE NATIONAL DEX, so much potential lost. Goes to show that you just slap "Pokemon" on anything and it will sell.......

  • Wow, and I thought western players were ungrateful. These people are so quick to criticise the moment there's something they don't like, they sound like children.

    • Yeah, I mean it's not like people paid $50 dollars for a new game and got something almost identical to a game they already have.
      How ungrateful.

  • Every Reviewer forgot about/Didn't mention the following versions:

    -Gale of Darkness
    -Black/White 2

    All of these games have one thing in common: they're the exact same game, with either additional content and/or minor changes to make improvements on the prequels/past generation games. Yet little to no people barely complained about thee games above. If you're gonna mark a game, such as Ultra Sun/Moon for being "BAD" Bcuz the "content/story was mostly the same, & blah blah blah" then perhaps YOU & EVERYONE ELSE as a whole needs to either revisit the games I listed above, or obtain said games (along with their prequel/past generation counterparts) to get a better understanding of exactly WHY games like these get made!

    • XD: Gale of Darkness was not the same game as Pokemon Colosseum at all. It may have some of the same settings, but the storyline was not the same. Sequels don't have the same story, if they're good.

      The remakes of Gold and Silver added EVs and abilities, which drastically changed how those games played.

      Black 2/White 2 was a sequel and everything I said about XD applies here.

      I do agree with what you said though, and if you meant gameplay changes, then only HG/SS would have an argument.

    • Your entire list is completely flawed to begin with : Some are sequels like BW2, some are remakes like FRLG and some are updates like Platinum. People are not going to whine about remakes because they know what they're getting : An improved game from an older title. Sequels like BW2 actually added a ton of content, new features that actually mattered and the story was actually different, unlike UltraSM where they copypasted and did some small modifications here and there. Now for updated titles like Platinum, this is something people seem to completely forget : DS and before, there weren't such thing as software updates, so if they wanted to fix some bugs and add features, they would have to release a new game, but even Platinum and Emerald added more features like the Battle Frontier and items and such.

      UltraSM is getting a ton of flack because what they did could have been DLC but they preferred to sell that update full price. It doesn't help that they announced the "remakes" 7 months after the games were released, which shows the intent that Sun/Moon were rushed and unfinished.

      They copypasted Sun/Moon, made some very little modifications here and there, and repackaged these for full price a year later. People expected something akin to BW2 - They didn't. The games deserve all the flak they're getting

    • Yes these games have a lot in common with the vanilla version, but i think DLC can be done in 2001 or 2005 for the GBA, y'know? And black and white 2 had a new story, they only used the same assets, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    • Who are you psychopaths who think you should be silent and grateful to corporations you pay for entertainment.

      They dont make pokemon out of the goodness of their hearts, they make a product, and you buy it, "Grateful" plays no role in this transaction, you should appreciation with money, not by genuflecting at their feet.

      And because it is a product, when you get less than what you pay for, expressing that with bad reviews is the reasonable recourse.

  • I understand there are other Pokemon titles that are the same from pervious versions. That isn't the main problem. The problem with sun and moon along with US / UM is the dialogue/cutscenes. I thought with US / UM that would have changed. The story being the same just compliments that problem. Didn't think sun and moon were good in fact they were my least favorite, that is until US/UM.

  • I was disappointed at sun/moon based on the low experience. I wasn’t a big fan of how easy the trials were, which I thought were lame, but I could look past that. The villains were a joke, but whatever. The cutscenes and useless dialogue were annoying but I could still get past that. My favorite title was XY. You wanted to grind levels fast you could do it. I barely had enough time as it was to play, and it takes forever just to get a level 90 to 100 in this title. Just 10 levels. XY, I could accomplish in less than a day. The cafes they had were awesome with the single, doubles, and triples. They took that away. So I refuse to buy this ultra title. I only have about 1 hour to play a day now on average, but on XY I could get a competitive team with that time. They took the experience gains away and it lost me. It became boring. Felt like I wasn’t achieving anything.

  • Choose Rowlet and if u still think this is a good game. You probably should give up on games because u don’t know what games should be. If u haven’t played? Shut the fk up okay?

  • I agree that much of it could be DLC. However, since I only purchased Pokemon Moon, I got Ultra Sun. These games complement each other. If I had bought both Sun and Moon last year, I would join the disappointment.

  • Lol at these people being quick to jump to gamefreak's defence. Face it, 3rd versions like USUM are no longer valid with DLC being a thing. It might've been acceptable 5 years ago, but it's not now.
    Also, you can't deny Gamefreak has been casualising their games for the smartphone audience. Stop being a blind fanboy and face the facts.

    • Funny you should say that, & yet you can't even spell "defense" right. xD
      2ndly: I never said I was denying anything. i was simply giving out an example of previous games that were Sequels/Remakes to past versions. yes, DLC is indeed a thing. i have been around alot longer than you probably have. but since you're so quick to jump people who enjoy pokemon: let's say DLC (aside from Event Pokémon and other goodies) were a thing for Pokémon...explain to me, the technicality reasoning on why GF didn't put ORAS, SM & USUM versions as additional content within X/Y?

      Understand that the 3ds has its limitations. Yes, i do have my moments where i wish the overall gameplay was made just a little more challenging (or have unlockable difficulty settings like Black/White2), and that the Elite four got a bit tougher post game. but rather than just flame about how the game's is more so the same, towards the original (even though we had 6+ games that did the same thing. just "Sayin"): i much rather would find enjoyment out of every Pokémon game that comes out, and what i liked about this version/Remake/Sequel. Instead of looking for a reason to pout or cry bcuz this didn't get put into the game, or Stars didn't come to be for Switch, bcuz every single person gets all hyped up over leaks/rumors, then get mad since those rumors weren't true, and such.

      Good day to you. Plz try again

      • Learn how to use capitalizations before criticizing someone's grammar.

        ORAS is a remake of Ruby/Sapphire, a ten year old game, unrelated to XY, and likely couldn't fit into the cart anyways. It's like asking why Crash Bandicoot remakes didn't come on the last Uncharted game. SM were also completely separate games. To answer the inevitable whatabouts, none of the 3rd version games have been so minimal in their changes, or have existed in the era of, and on a device that supports, DLC.

        What you fail to understand is that complaining about a beloved series going downhill is NOT A BAD THING. Franchises need criticism, not sycophants, to stay fresh and right now it is time to accept that the business practices and weak, lazy development practices of the NUMBER ONE GROSSING VIDEO GAME FRANCHISE IN HISTORY BY 25 BILLION DOLLARS are no longer acceptable.

      • Excuse me? Are you a typical American? Defence is used in the British terms. Right now, you just sound like a cringey brat. Learn how to type properly before criticising others.

      • I will point out the fact that you are as a human being part of the reason Americans are hated, Defence and Defense are not different at all and are interchangeable. Couldn't be bothered to read past your ignorance and thus have nothing left to say about whatever else you posted. Have a great day/evening.

      • I've played on and off since the original Red and Blue were released in the west. I can tell you that things change as do the expectations of fans.

        Growing up, i found myself expecting more and more in terms of improvements rather than simply rehashing most of the previous games. With the onset of Gen 5 through Gen 6, we got completely original/remade titles after the initial games of the generation.

        Expectations are much, much higher now. Regardless of what they've done in the past, many people don't want to see them backtrack to a time that was very different. Today most gamers have become upset with titles that refuse to improve, and USUM are extreme examples of this. It doesn't do nearly enough to warrant yet another full price purchase. GF has gone backwards after moving forward, and that's not something that's commendable.

      • lol it is pretty funny how you say that you probably have been around longer than the dude and bash him on his spelling for the word defense. And yet you don't know that the word defense/defence are spelled differently due to region American vs British.

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