Video: More Details About Cancelled Earthbound 64 Emerge From New Translated Interview
SourceGaming has published a new translated interview from back in the 90s, revealing some new insights into the cancelled Mother 3 for the N64 (AKA Earthbound 64).
As some of you may know, Mother 3 was originally planned to release on the Nintendo 64 before it was scrapped and reworked into a Gameboy Advance title. This hypothetical “Earthbound 64” contained many of the same characters and elements, only rendered in 3D artstyle and presumably having a different story.
Today, Kody “NOKOLO” from Sourcegaming has uploaded some new translations and screenshots from an old Japanese Nintendo magazine promoting Earthbound 64 back when it was still being developed. The translations shed a bit more light on what this version of the game might have been like, including both story and character designs.
You can read the full translation here, or watch Sourcegaming’s highlights video below:
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