YouTube Compliments Nintendo For Ending Restrictive Creators Program

YouTube Compliments Nintendo For Ending Restrictive Creators Program

Previously, we reported that Nintendo was finally closing down its Creators Program. Essentially, content creators no longer have to get constant approvals from Nintendo of Japan in order to post videos about the company’s games.

Now, it seems like YouTube themselves are pretty happy with this decision, as well. According to a recent interview with VentureBeat, YouTube Gaming director Ryan Wyatt commended Nintendo for finally opening up to YouTubers again:

We obviously have community guidelines, but we’ve been happy with–look at Nintendo’s announcement, where they’re embracing game creators and allowing them to monetize on the platform. I think we’re making great progress in that regard. We try to be an open platform and allow any content that comes up, but certainly we have community guidelines that people need to adhere to. We try to embrace the freedom of the platform.

This is a pretty stark contrast to Wyatt’s comments last November, where he felt that Nintendo should be treating YouTubers better. Overall, things are starting to look up for YouTubers who love Nintendo’s games.

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