Zelda: Link’s Awakening Switch Remake Introduces The Koholint Island And Its Denizens
Nintendo has released new details about the Koholint Island including character profiles for Link, Marin, Ulrira, and the mysterious owl as per their role in The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening remake on Switch!
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening will be hitting the Nintendo Switch on 20th September 2019.
You can read up on the places of interests and characters in further detail below.
Koholint Island
Link’s Awakening takes place on Koholint, a tropical island with rich nature. This is a mysterious island where those who have arrived will never be able to leave. People say that the island’s deity Wind Fish is sleeping in that big egg on top of the mountain.
ハロー!うるりらじいさんじゃ!わしらが暮らすのは、自然豊かな南の島「コホリント」。一度入った者は出ることができないという、不思議な島なんじゃ。山の頂にある大きなタマゴには、島の神「風のさかな」が眠っているという話じゃよ。 #夢をみる島 pic.twitter.com/6pbmqjSIko
— ゼルダの伝説 (@ZeldaOfficialJP) July 11, 2019
Old Man Ulrira
Of course, he’s present in this remake of the GameBoy classic, and you can actually call him from any telephone booth across Koholint Island. Need any info about the island, including what you should be doing to progress in your quest? He’s your (old) man!
ちなみに、島でわしに何か聞きたいときは、お近くの電話ボックスから電話してくれ。絶対に電話で頼むぞ。 #夢をみる島 pic.twitter.com/BgeypJAluQ
— ゼルダの伝説 (@ZeldaOfficialJP) July 11, 2019
This is Link. It seems as though he was caught in a storm and washed up on Koholint Island. It is said that you’ll never be able to get out of the island once you’ve entered, but maybe you can help Link make it off the island…
ハロー!うるりらじいさんじゃ。彼の名はリンク。嵐に巻き込まれ、わしらの暮らすコホリント島に漂流してしまったようじゃ。さて、一度入ると出られないと伝わるこの島から、どうやって脱出するのかのう。 #夢をみる島 pic.twitter.com/VYGFbjTpJt
— ゼルダの伝説 (@ZeldaOfficialJP) July 12, 2019
This is Marin, who helped Link on the beach. She is full of vitality, and the village is always filled with her singing songs.
そんなリンクを浜辺で助けたのが、このマリンじゃ。元気いっぱいの女の子で、村ではいつも彼女の歌声が聞こえてくるぞ。 #夢をみる島 pic.twitter.com/dYzg5lD6h1
— ゼルダの伝説 (@ZeldaOfficialJP) July 12, 2019
Mysterious Owl
A mysterious owl that knows how to talk resides in this island. It seems to know so much about this island. Make sure to listen to what it says.
ハロー!うるりらじいさんじゃ!この島には、謎の喋るフクロウが住んでおる。話を聞くに、やけにこの島に詳しいのう。リンクよ、こやつの話はちゃんと聞いておくんじゃぞ。 #夢をみる島 pic.twitter.com/yhJRMFwA7l
— ゼルダの伝説 (@ZeldaOfficialJP) July 16, 2019
Toronbo Shores
This is Toronbo Shores. It is the only beach on the island. Look at the blue ocean, white sands…and a lot of monsters!? I guess it’s not your typical beach.
ハロー!うるりらじいさんじゃ。今日は海の日ということで、島唯一のビーチ「トロンボ海岸」を紹介しよう。青い海…、白い砂浜…、そしてたくさんの魔物…。うむ、あまりくつろげないのう…。 #夢をみる島 #海の日 pic.twitter.com/ivIdBrtcYP
— ゼルダの伝説 (@ZeldaOfficialJP) July 15, 2019