“Triple Experience & SP” Spirit Event Announced For Smash Ultimate
Nintendo has announced the latest spirit board event for Super Smash Bros Ultimate starting July 19th.
Instead of a “Themed” Spirit Event, this event simply triples the amount of experience points and SP players obtain when defeating spirits on the spirit board. Like the previous Spirit Board events, it will last for three days starting this Friday.
7/19(金)から3日間、スピリッツボードのイベント「夏の強化特訓! 経験値とSPが3倍に」を開催! 開催期間中、スピリッツボードで手に入る経験値とスピリッツポイントが3倍になります。#スマブラSP #SmashBros pic.twitter.com/KJHedvEXf3— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) July 17, 2019
What do you think of this weekend’s event? Let us know in the comments below!