Action-Adventure ‘A Rat’s Quest: The Way Back Home’ Now In Development For The Nintendo Switch

Action-Adventure ‘A Rat’s Quest: The Way Back Home’ Now In Development For The Nintendo Switch

The retelling of Romeo and Juliet’s love affair comes alive in the form of an unusual pair.

Take the role of Mat, a rat finding his way back to his beloved Nat, in this action-adventure game now being developed by Mexican studio The Dreamerians.

In A Rat’s Quest: The Way Back Home, players will experience various gameplay perspectives between 3D platforming, side-scrolling, and top-down.

Check out the trailer and details below:


“A Rat’s Quest – The Way Back Home” is Romeo and Juliet with a rat and a mouse. Mat, the Hero of the game is trying to find a way to his beloved Nat, a cute mouse kept as a pet. Together, they plan to escape to the outside. But his journey is full of dangers, one is – of course – “THE CLAW” …

In the role of a rat, you will encounter a giant’s world from the perspective of a very small hero. For you and me, it’s just opening a door. For a rat, it’s an adventure! Play hide and squeak with fearsome creatures and slash them with your shiny rivet or ‘fend them off with your sturdy button!

A Rat’s Quest is an action-adventure by Mexican studio The Dreamerians and will be published by HandyGames. It’s currently in development for Nintendo Switch™.

Key Features

  • Moving Story: Experience a story about love, friendship and keeping promises in three acts.
  • Rat Mode: Climb, jump, crawl, slither and sneak like a rodent.
  • Hybrid Gameplay: Experience the narrowness in walls and under the floor by a switching perspective between 3D platforming, side-scrolling and top-down.
  • Full Immersion: Compasses are for humans. Make your own path! No mini-map, no waypoints… just your rodent survival instincts.
  • Tough as Nails: No armor, no ordinance drops. Use the world and your wits to overcome overwhelming danger.
  • A Rat’s Evolution: Gather gadgets and “add-ons” to survive the way back home…
  • Quests and Choices: Try different approaches when solving riddles and quests.