Animal Crossing: New Horizons Players Report Finding Gyroid Fragments On Their Beaches Following 2.0.4 Update
Earlier today, Nintendo released a version update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, bringing the game up to Version 2.0.4.
Aside from fixing a few bugs, the update also added a new useful feature. As reported by many players online, Gyroid fragments can now be found washed up on the beaches of the player’s home island. Previously, the only way to get Gyroid fragments was to go on Kapp’n’s island tours, and this new feature could make it much less expensive for players to complete their Gyroid collections.
Found a Gyroid fragment at the beach… Maybe this is new in today's update? #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/jsa2PV2ZTF
— RosieSoCrossing (@RosieSoCrossing) December 16, 2021
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