Beer Brewer Creates Drinks Based On The Last Story, Persona, Final Fantasy & More

Beer Brewer Creates Drinks Based On The Last Story, Persona, Final Fantasy & More

One beer-brewing company is paying tribute to the joy of videogames with their latest products.

On its website, Fuggles & Warlock Craftworks now offers a wide selection of beers themed after franchises such as The Last StoryFinal Fantasy and even Super Smash Bros. Some offer a fun wordplay on the original titles of the game (such as ‘The Last Strawberry’ for The Last Story), while others play it straight (being based on Shiva, the Final Fantasy summon).

Check out some examples in the album below.

The company also released a new beer based on the Persona franchise! Take a look at the bottle below, courtesy of one Reddit user.

New beer came into my store today!
by inPersona5

What do you think? Would you drop some pennies to get fun videogame brews like these? Let us know in the comments below.
