Famitsu has published another installment of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate creator Masahiro Sakurai’s column for the magazine, in which he shares his take on Cyberpunk 2077’s release.
In this column, Sakurai brings up how he was moved by the full refunds issued for the console versions of the game, along with his own personal experience while playing the game.
You can check out some translated highlights below, courtesy of SiliconEra:
- “Dealing with refunds is something that makes even me feel deeply moved. This kind of sincerity was never heard of before.”
- “When I tried it on the PS4 Pro, I could play it without problem (as of December 20, 2020). It was mostly running at 30 frames per second.”
- “I played it on PC in the beginning. I encountered bugs multiple times.”
- “Cyberpunk 2077 is a dream game. I wonder how much planning and production was needed.”
- “Having a multi-platform release for an AAA title is at a level where that’s enough for me to say that it’s wonderful.”
- “I support this game from the bottom of my heart for sincerely dealing with [the refunds].”
On a slightly related tangent, Sakurai also brings up Meteos, a puzzle game he designed for the Nintendo DS back in 2005, and how he faced unforseen development troubles as “things accelerated at the final phase of adjustments”.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments!
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