Fan-Art: Fan Tribute Video Imagines 3D Remake Of Mother 3
For many years, fans have been dreaming of an official international release for Mother 3, the Japanese only third game in the Earthbound/Mother series, a dream that has only grown more fleeting after Nintendo released only Earthbound and Earthbound Zero on the Switch Online service.
Shortly after the release, Youtube Channel Curiomatic uploaded a fan-made tribute to Mother 3, which takes the form of a mock trailer for a 3D remake of the game. Originally started as an April Fool’s joke, the trailer is a “love-letter” to Mother 3 put together by 22 creative fans, rendered in a 3D artsyle reminiscent of the clay figures that were used in promotional materials for the game. That said, the creators have made it clear that this isn’t an actual game that’s being worked on, and that the video itself is the tribute.
Check it out below:
If you’re interested in finding out more about the work that went into this fantastic video, you can find its official website here.
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