Fire Emblem Heroes Crossover Events Will Soon Be Permanently Available In Dragalia Lost

Fire Emblem Heroes Crossover Events Will Soon Be Permanently Available In Dragalia Lost

Good news for new Dragalia Lost players who may have missed out on the previous crossover events with Fire Emblem Heroes.

Starting from May 17th, both the Fire Emblem: Lost Heroes and Fire Emblem: Kindred Ties events will be permanently added to the event compendium in Dragalia Lost. This means that players who missed out on the event will get another chance to play through it and add crossover characters Alfonse and Sharena to their rosters.

That said, it should be noted that the event has been adjusted to be single player only, and will not include the summon showcase for the limited time Fire Emblem crossover adventurers.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
