Nintendo France Will Now Repair/Replace Joy-Cons Even If The Warranty Is Expired
As many of you may know, the Switch Joy-cons have a reputation of malfunctioning, so much so that a French consumer rights association called out the Switch for being “too fragile”.
Now, the Director of Nintendo France Philippe Lavoué has released a statement acknowledging the issue and explaining what Nintendo plans to do about it.
Speaking to French news outlet Lemonde, Lavoué said that Nintendo France is “aware” of the problem and has instructed its customer support staff to arrange for repairs or replacements for any malfunctioning Joy-cons, even if the warranty is expired:
“We are aware of recent reports, but to the knowledge of Nintendo France, the number of cases is extremely low,” said Philippe Lavoué in response, this January 8. He also explains that Nintendo has given “specific instructions” to its after-sales service and to its partners so that the defective controllers can be repaired or replaced without difficulty, and “even when the commercial warranty has expired” .
Notably, this is a significant departure from their Nintendo France’s original stance on the issue last year. Previously, Nintendo France would refuse to repair out-of-warranty Joy-cons without charging a hefty fee.
Thankfully, it seems Switch owners in France will now be offered the same luxuries as other countries when it comes to Joy-con drift.
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