Nintendo Will Be Flexible In The Way Of Keeping Fans Updated Without Major Events
Nintendo of America has put out a statement responding to the cancelation of E3 2020 due to the coronavirus outbreak.
The company will “continue to be flexible” in the way they announce new products, so this could be through social media or Nintendo Directs instead of announcements at major conventions. They will have more to share later this year.
Here’s their full statement:
“Nintendo supports the ESA’s decision to cancel this year’s E3 to help protect the health and safety of everyone in our industry–our fans, our employees, our exhibitors and our longtime E3 partners. We would like to express our concern and support for all those affected by the COVID-19 outbreak during this challenging time.
“We”ll continue to be flexible and redirect our efforts to other ways of keeping our fans up to date about our activities and products. Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, large industry events may be untenable for the foreseeable future. But we are considering various ways to engage with our fans and will have more to share as the year continues.”