Pokemon Masters “The Beast That Devours The Sun” Event Returns April 6
DeNA has announced the next special event starting for Pokemon Masters next week.
Beginning on April 6, the special event “The Beast That Devours The Sun” will receive a rerun in Pokemon Masters.
This event allows players to recruit Solgaleo as a Sync Pair partner for their main character by playing through the event. Those who were unable to complete the event last time will have their progress carried over to this rerun.
【4/6(月) 15:00】より伝説ポケモンイベント「太陽を喰らいし獣」を復刻開催予定!
イベントをプレイするとソルガレオを仲間にできます!#ポケマス pic.twitter.com/MfDG8amQS5— 【公式】ポケマスEXだいすきクラブ (@pokemas_game) April 4, 2020
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