Ridley Can Instantly Kill Sonic In This Super Smash Bros Ultimate Glitch

Ridley Can Instantly Kill Sonic In This Super Smash Bros Ultimate Glitch

Japanese Twitter user @bauto_DZ has discovered a instant kill Glitch with Ridley and Sonic in Super Smash Bros Ultimate!

Sadly, this glitch can only be done on certain stages such as Omega Dreamland GB.

Check it out below:

All you need to do is homing attack Ridley with Sonic and make Ridley dodge right when Sonic is about to hit Ridley. Then if you Side B Sonic he will instantly be killed no matter the percentage!

This is likely to be patched very soon so try it while you can!

Check out this video by Gamexplain showcasing it below:


Looks like Ridley really does not want that Sonic movie to happen.

If we have any more information to share we will cover it here at Nintendo Soup so stay tuned for more!