Samurai Shodown Return Of A Legend Trailer Introduces New Dojo Mode, Gameplay Systems, & More

Samurai Shodown Return Of A Legend Trailer Introduces New Dojo Mode, Gameplay Systems, & More

Athlon Games and SNK have published a new lengthy trailer for Samurai Shodown featuring new gameplay features and modes!

On this new trailer, we have been introduced to new gameplay modes and footage never before seen from previous reveals. Accordingly, several modes will be present in the game including the offline and online plays, Training Mode, and the all-new Dojo Mode.

Shodown Samurai is due out Q4 2019 on Switch.

Watch the latest trailer:

Officially a prequel to the original 1993 Samurai Shodown, the latest title’s Story Mode allows players to choose any character and experience their journey—from franchise favorites like Haohmaru and Charlotte to newcomers like Wu-Ruixiang and Darli Dagger. Several other modes will be present as well, including a Training Mode, Online Play and the all-new Dojo Mode.

As fighters continue to play and level up their skills, the game is watching, learning, calculating and mapping its user’s playstyle in the offline battle modes in order to create an online “ghost” that replicates that style in Dojo Mode. Players can take on their own AI-derived avatar for better insight into their own weaknesses, or download the ghost of a favorite player from the cloud for a fresh challenge. These intelligent AI ghosts promise to change the way fighting game aficionados train and compete forever.

“Dojo Mode has been a franchise aspiration for the team for some time now and an evolution to the fighting genre that we’re very proud of,” said SNK lead producer Yasuyuki Oda. “Not only will it give players the opportunity to play against the ghosts of some of the best Samurai Shodown players in the world, but playing against your own ghost will prove an amazing tool to learn more about your own playstyle.”
