Following the smash-hit success of the Super Mario Bros. Animated film, Nintendo has announced the next movie they will produce based on one of it’s iconic gaming franchises.
As announced in a press release and on social media, Nintendo has begun production on a live-action film based on The Legend Of Zelda. The film will be produced by Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto, and Avi Arad, the latter having produced many popular superhero movies such as Iron Man and Into The Spiderverse. The director will be Wess Ball, whose filmography includes the Maze Runner movies and the upcoming Planet Of the Apes Reboot.
Perhaps most interestingly, the film will be co-financed by none other than Sony Pictures, who will also handle the distribution rights of the movie. At the time of this writing however, further details such as casting and a release window have not been announced, although it is likely a little bit too early for that.
Stay tuned for more updates as they come.
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