Guide: Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate – Unlock Flagship Deviant Monster Bloodbath Diablos
Did you know that in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, there are 2 flagship monsters? Apart from Valstrax, which is shown on the cover of the boxart, there is also the Flagship Deviant Monster, Bloodbath Diablos! However, it is hidden behind a lot of quests and sometimes, the quests that you need to clear in order to unlock the game is unclear.
In order to unlock the Bloodbath Diablos, you would need to unlock your Hunter Rank so if you have yet done so, please refer to the Gathering Hub G Rank Key Quests first before attempting to unlock Bloodbath Diablos.
Below is the full list of how to unlock all 17 deviant monsters before the final flagship deviant, Bloodbath Diablos. Be warned, spoilers lie ahead.
The Ingredient of Legend (Hunt Arzuros in Misty Peaks)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Redhelm Arzuros)
Snow with Occasional Lagombi (Hunt Lagombi in Arctic Ridge)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Snowbaron Lagombi)
Shells of Steel (Hunt Daimyo Hermitaur in Dunes)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Stonefist Hermitaur)
Royal Assassination
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Dreadqueen Rathian)
Tackling the Tetsucabra
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Drilltusk Tetsucabra)
[Prerequisites Clearing Village 2 star Slay the Giaprey (Slay 10 Giaprey in Arctic ridge) and The Mountain Roughrider (Hunt Bulldrome in Arctic Ridge)]
↳Talk to Pokke Sweetheart
↳Nargacuga Throwdown (Hunt Nargacuga in Jurassic Frontier)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Silverwind Nargacuga)
Fight or Uragaan (Hunt Uragaan in Volcanic Hollow)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Crystalbeard Uragaan)
Worst. Trip. Ever! (Hunt Yian Garuga in Volcanic Hollow)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Deadeye Yian Garuga)
Rathalos Run (Hunt Rathalos in Ancient Steppe)
Lord of the Skies (Hunt Rathalos in Verdant Hills)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Dreadking Rathalos)
Topple the Monarch (Hunt Zinogre in Frozen Seaway)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Thunderlord Zinogre)
What a Girl Wants (Hunt Tigrex in Ancient Steppe_)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Grimclaw Tigrex)
Duel in the Volcanic Hollow (Hunt Glavenus in Jurassic Frontier)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Hellblade Glavenus)
Naked Aggression (Hunt a Shogun Ceanataur in Ruined Pinnacle)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Rustrazor Ceanataur)
The Owled Man and the Sea (Hunt a Malfestio in Deserted Island)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Nightcloak Malfestio)
Pinnacle Pioneering (Hunt an Astalos in Ruined Pinnacle)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Boltreaver Astalos)
Water Kerfuffle (Hunt a Mizutsune in Jungle)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Soulseer Mizutsune)
Ice Recovery (Hunt a Gammoth in Frozen Seaway)
↳(Unlocks Special Permit Elderfrost Gammoth)
From this point, you would need to clear all the deviants at least once.
Special Permit
Redhelm I: Hunt (Hunt a Redhelm Arzuros in Deserted Island)
Snowbaron I: Hunt (Hunt a Snowbaron Lagombi in Arctic Ridge)
Stonefist I: Hunt (Hunt a Stonefist Hermitaur in Deserted Island)
Dreadqueen I: Hunt (Hunt a Dreadqueen Rathian in Marshlands)
Drilltusk I: Hunt (Hunt a Drilltusk Tetsucabra in Deserted Island)
Silverwind I: Hunt (Hunt a Silverwind Nargacuga in Misty Peaks)
Crystalbeard I: Hunt (Hunt a Crystalbeard Uragaan in Volcano)
Deadeye I: Hunt ( Hunt a Deadeye Yian Garuga in Verdant Hills)
Dreadking I: Hunt (Hunt a Dreadking Rathalos in Verdant Hills)
Thunderlord I: Hunt (Hunt a Thunderlord Zinogre in Misty Peaks)
Grimclaw I: Hunt ( Hunt a Grimclaw Tigrex in Arctic Ridge)
Hellblade I: Hunt (Hunt a Hellblade Glavenus in Jurassic Frontier)
Nightcloak G1: Capture (Capture a Nightcloak Malfestio in J. Frontier (N))
Rustrazor G1: Capture (Capture a Rustrazor Ceanataur in Volcano)
Soulseer G1: Capture (Capture a Soulseer Mizutsune in M. Peaks (N))
Boltreaver G1: Capture (Capture a Boltreaver Astalos in V. Hills (D))
Elderfrost G1: Capture (Capture a Elderfrost Gammoth in F. Seaway)
Clear all speech bubbles in Hunter’s Pub and complete another random quest and you have finally unlocked the Bloodbath Diablos!
Hope that you have fun and happy hunting!
See also: Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate – Village High Rank Key Quests
See also: Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate – Gathering Hub G Rank Key Quests
Written by NintendoSoup contributor Melvin