Guide: Monster Hunter Rise Low Rank Hub Key Quests
So you have decided to tackle low rank in the gathering hub? Get ready to rise to the occasion as you will be facing some daunting foes. Remember to eat some dangos before heading off!
Hub 1 Star Quest
Choose 4
Shady Monster
Hunt an Aknosom
Tired and Feathered
Hunt a Kulu-Ya-ku
Jumped in the Frost Islands
Hunt a Great Izuchi
No cure for the Common Baggi
Hunt A Great Baggi
A Snowball’s Chance…
Hunt a Lagombi
Wroggi Place, Wroggi Time
Himt a Great Wroggi
Dead Ringer
Hunt a Tetranadon
Hub 2 Star Quest
Choose 5
I Want Off This Ride
Hunt a Bishaten
Way of the Pukei
Hunt a Pukei-Pukei
The Flooding Flooded Forest
Hunt a Royal Ludroth
So MUddy Hardheaded!
Hunt a Barroth
A Pale Shadow
Hunt a Khezu
Reinventing the Wheel
Hunt a Volvidon
Blasted Basarios!
Hunt a Basarios
The Path to Royalty
Hunt a Rathian
Hunt a Magnamalo
Hub 3 Star Quest
Choose 6
Beckoning Slumber
Hunt a Somnacanth
The Blizzard Blender
Hunt a Goss Harag
Zigzagging Zapper
Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi
Down ‘n’ Dirty
Hunt an Almudron
Bully of the Caverns
Hunt an Anjanath
Twilit Twin Stars
Hunt a Nargacuga
My Muse the Mizutsune
Hunt a Mizutsune
Chapmion of the Caverns
Hunt a Rathalos
Wavering Moon and Thunder
Hunt a Zinogre
White Knight vs. Hunter
Hunt a Barioth
A Friend in Need
Hunt a Tigrex
A Few Bumps Along the Way
Hunt a Diablos
The Blue Apex
Rampage Quest
Check out more Monster Hunter Rise guides here.
This guide was contributed by Melvin.