Nintendo Says They Will Prepare Enough Switch 2 Consoles To Meet Demand

Nintendo Says They Will Prepare Enough Switch 2 Consoles To Meet Demand

When the Switch was originally launched back in 2017, there was a massive shortage of the console in many countries, with Nintendo even issuing a statement in Japan apologizing for the issue.

After that bitter experience, it seems Nintendo is eager to avoid a repeat with the Switch 2. During the company’s latest financial results briefing (reported via Nikkei), Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa asserted that Nintendo will “prepare enough consoles to meet demand”, reportedly aiming to secure a “head start” with production that was not possible with the release of the Switch 1.

Furukawa’s statement lines up with previous rumors about the Switch 2’s shipment numbers, with one claiming it to be 2.5 times that of the original Switch and another claiming Nintendo is preparing to ship 20 million units in 2025.

The early Nintendo Switch shortages were very tough for consumers to swallow, especially due to the presence of scalpers reselling the console for exorbitant prices. Only time will tell whether Nintendo’s preparations for the Switch 2 will be enough.

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