For the longest time, rumors have been circulating about the “Switch Pro”, an updated model of the Switch boasting much more power and graphical capabilities than the original.
One of the more high profile rumors circulating these days is that Nintendo is planning to use an OLED display for this alleged new Switch model, at least according to Bloomberg. In an intriguing turn of events, it seems that the CEO of Universal Display Corp, a firm that manufacturers OLEDs, briefly mentioned these reports in a Q1 investors call, which could suggest there is indeed some truth to them:
…Nintendo has selected an OLED screen for the new Switch Pro due to OLED benefits of higher contrast and faster response times.
That said, with Nintendo continuing to remain silent about whether a “Switch Pro” is indeed coming soon, such speculation should still be taken with a grain of salt. We will be sure to report back with more developments as they come.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
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