Jurassic World Evolution: Complete Edition Coming To Switch On November 3rd
During the Gamescom 2020 pre-show, it was revealed that Jurassic World Evolution: Complete Edition will be making it way to Nintendo Switch on November 3rd!
Gamescom 2020 To Take Place Digitally Due To Coronavirus Ban
Gamescom 2020, Europe’s annual video games convention, has been cancelled and converted into a digital event.
Gamescom 2020 Will Not Be Canceled For Now
Koelnmesse, organizers of the annual Gamescom convention, have put out an announcement in light of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.
373,000 Visitors Attended Gamescom 2019
Gamescom, the largest video game convention in Europe, has concluded this week.
Look At This Beautiful The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening Metallic Slipcase
Novobox, manufacturer of metallic slipcases and FuturePaks for video games, has posted pictures of a very beautiful metallic slipcase for The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening.
Gamescom Asia To Be Held In Singapore Next Year
Gamescom, the largest video game trade show in Europe held in Germany every August, has announced a new video game convention called Gamescom Asia.
Fortnite Player Poops In Paper Bag At Gamescom 2018
A piece of stinking news has emerged on the last day of Gamescom 2018.
You Can Try Out Surgeon Simulator CPR In This Ambulance At Gamescom
Bossa Studios, the developers of Surgeon Simulator CPR, have drove an ambulance to Gamescom 2018.
Nintendo Switch Velotaxi Fleet Appears At Gamescom
Nintendo of Europe has deployed a fleet of velotaxis at Gamescom this year to bring participants anywhere they want to go.
New Gameplay For Daemon X Machina Streaming This Thursday
Nintendo of Europe has announced Daemon X Machina producer Kenichiro Tsukuda will be showing off new gameplay in a RedCube presentation at Gamescom 2018 this Thursday.