Nobunaga’s Ambition: Taishi With Power-Up Kit Pushed Back To 2019 Release In Japan
Fans who are eagerly waiting for Nobunaga’s Ambition: Taishi with Power-Up Kit might have to wait a little longer as Koei Tecmo has just announced that the game will not make its November release date in Japan. Instead, it will be releasing the game on 14 February 2019.
Koei Tecmo Aims To Release All Future Titles Worldwide At The Same Time
Koei Tecmo, the publishers and developers best known for the Warriors series, has announced a new policy in their fiscal earnings report.
Warriors Orochi 4 Launches On The Nintendo Switch
Warriors Orochi 4 Gets New Famitsu Print-Ad
Warriors Orochi 4, or as it is know in Japan, Musou Orochi 3, has gotten a couple of new print ads in Famitsu.
Nobunaga’s Ambition: Taishi with Power-Up Kit To Be Released In Japan This Winter
Koei Tecmo has announced that their improved version of strategy game, Nobunaga’s Ambition: Taishi, aptly named, Nobunaga’s Ambition: Taishi with Power-Up Kit will be released in Japan for the Nintendo Switch this Winter.
Koei Tecmo Hopes To Work On A Mario Title
After working on Hyrule and Fire EMblem Warriors, Koei Tecmo seems to have a bigger appetite at working with Nintendo IPs.
Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition Ready For Preload On Nintendo Switch
Hyrule Warriors is going to appear on its third platform as Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition and Switch players can already smell it as it is now available for preload from the Nintendo Switch eShop.
Koei Tecmo President Calls Nintendo Switch “Powerful Hardware”
In a recent interview conducted by Nikkei Trendy, Koei Tecmo Chief Operating Officer and President Hisashi Koinuma commented on the company’s success on Nintendo Switch.
Attack On Titan 2 Predator Mode Drops For Japanese Players Today
Are you sick and tired of playing as a puny human in Attack on Titan 2, good news for Japanese gamers of the game as Predator mode drops today.
Fire Emblem Warriors Update 1.5.0 Now Live, Enables Awakening DLC
Nintendo has pushed out the latest update for Fire Emblem Warriors. Version 1.5.0 brings a number of features to the table with the few important features being Fire Emblem Awakening DLC compatibility, increased level cap, and a level reset feature.