Tag: PS4

Nintendo Fans At ChinaJoy Openly Protest Against Genshin Impact’s Similarity To Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

Nintendo Fans At ChinaJoy Openly Protest Against Genshin Impact’s Similarity To Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

Previously, we reported on some unhappy voices in China crying out against the PS4 title Genshin Impact. Chief among those complaints was that the game had many eerie similarities to Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – with one fan even getting a little violent at the ChinaJoy event about it. Well, it turns out he wasn’t alone.

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Chinese Netizens Are Calling PS4 Game Genshin Impact A Shameless Clone Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

Chinese Netizens Are Calling PS4 Game Genshin Impact A Shameless Clone Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

Previously, we reported on the adventure game Genshin Impact, which seems to take a lot of inspiration from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. From our earlier coverage, we noted that its UI, world, climbing system, and more appeared to be somewhat lifted from Nintendo’s own IP – and it looks like such observations were not lost on Chinese gamers, either.

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Inti Creates Now Rethinking Future Of The Gal Gun Series, Because Of Sony’s Censorship Policies

Inti Creates Now Rethinking Future Of The Gal Gun Series, Because Of Sony’s Censorship Policies

As readers may recall, Nintendo’s rival Sony has been growing more aggressive in regulating sexual content on its PS4 platform. So far, some developers have had to censor their games with hilarious light beams or cut out items to avoid Sony’s glare – and now it looks like developer Inti Creates could be entering that club in the  future.

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